We BOUGHT a House – Part 3
It’s official we bought a house – we can’t wait to turn it into a home! Let me share all the details – good and the bad … there may have been lots of tears!

We signed!!!! I can’t even begin to tell you all the emotion that went into this… even just this day! But its OURS!!!
I want to be real and transparent with you and the process… really why I haven’t shared till it became OFFICIAL!

Once we sold our house we got a VERY generous offer, one we couldn’t refuse – that is where it all began and without the people who got our home we wouldn’t have been able to get ours.
We knew what we had to sell our house for to be able to afford a new one in this market and being in the Seattle area, but the thing we didn’t realize was the insane amount of fees from the city and county …we knew the realtor ones and that was already enough. So we are grateful that we were able to get above asking to make it all possible and knowing all the fees that go into buying/selling a new house helped make it easier with this next purchase.
Onto our trip – the question was did we spend all our money on it – the answer was NO! We put every cent into a seperate savings account and didn’t touch a penny. We also made sure we had our credit cards paid off, and enough money to pay off both our cars!
I will be honest we feel so blessed to even be to this point – there were sooooo many years where we struggled and had maxxed out credit cards, car payments and even wondering how to get by! But we made sure we got to a point if we wanted to ever get a new house – we would have no debts and never get back to that point again.
Now lets fast forward…. this begins the NOT fun and super honest part! Once we sold our house, we talked with our lender and got everything all set to buy a new one even if it was 6 months away – we just wanted to be prepared and so glad we did! Into underwriting we went! We worked with a mortgage broker and the lender that was best and came back and denied us – because we had a late 5 years ago…. we have NEVER missed a payment so we were really confused. We did some research and we did a refinance, the company that marked us late – we had paid off the loan and they marked it late the month after! So we got a LATE on our record for something that was paid off…. we contacted the company they had no record even of our account…. this we found out in May and fought till mid June…. we were at a loss for something we didn’t even do….
Now for the NOT fun part…. we had to go with another lender and it would be an extra 15,000!! We found this out the day we were going to look at our house. So starting off as you can imagine we were in tears ….. this was a huge amount and we had to pay out of pocket money we were hoping to have in savings. We prayed and we made the offer and you know the story HERE.
The next month was an emotional roller coaster. Really I didn’t want to tell anyone and was depressed… not only is buying a house stressful but through Covid and being self employed … they need even more and question everything… so we spent so much time sending in everything we needed…..
In the end it all worked out… I wish I could just say how amazing it was but we have never PRAYED so much in our lives… and through that it taught us so much about prayer and I am so grateful for that.
I don’t think I can ever go into enough detail about how hard the month was, but we got through it and we are BEYOND excited for this next chapter and to share more real time <3
We got some goodies for the previous owners – yes I can officially say that now!! They are moving to Michigan so we got some Washington goodies … and yes I had to throw in the buckeye joke 😉

We went and got a mattress – we feel like adults!!! And a KING size – our queen took up most of our room before we are beyond excited!!!
Since we have been at camp we waited to eat at our favorite restaurant … it was full circle for us since we ate here the first time looking at our first house that led us to this one! We were so excited!

Then we had some fun in our new little town that we LOVE so much!!!

We are BEYOND excited to share this next chapter in our life with you and hope you follow along!
If you missed anything you can catch up below!
Wow, you have really been through a lot. So strong of you to keep pushing forward. Congratulations on the new house.