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Home Away From Home – Camping Life

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Home Away from Home – Camping life. Yes we are living in our camper and living our kids dreams! Let me share a little more and what our plan is.

We shared HERE that for our trip that we didn’t want to take a camper with us, and we were glad we didn’t it worked out best for us with our timeline and the places we went to.

Now for the Questions :

  1. How long will we be Here?
    We will be here till we have a home.
  2. Where is all your stuff?
    We have our stuff in Extra Space Storage and in a POD.
  3. Are you able to work while on the trip?
    Yes James and I both work full time on the trip and now at camp.
  4. What internet are you using while on the road and camp?
    We have been using this Hotspot HERE and it was way better than using the phones – it always had service.
  5. Are you buying a house in this crazy market?
    We will be. Thankfully it isn’t as crazy as when we sold – good for us! That is another reason for the road trip to let things cool down and buy when more houses are on the market.
  6. Will you be living in the same area?
    We won’t be living in Snohomish County anymore. But still Washington.
  7. Where do you do laundry?
    Thankfully where we are has washer and dryers – if not there is always a laundromat. Probably cheaper.
  8. Where are our pups and where were they on our trip?
    They are back with us! My best friend had them and they were so well taken care of – we missed them but it would have been to hard on them to go all over.
  9. Will the kids be homeschooled next school year?
    It is their choice – the boys all want to be in school around friends and can’t wait to make them! Zoe would love to be homeschooled again but she wants to try school
  10. Are we sick of eating out?
    Thankfully a good amount of our trip we didn’t have to – and now at camp we just cook.

Here is a bit of what we have been up to :

Tour of the camper :

Here is the tour of the camper we are staying in! It is a Rockwood 2650WS I need to share photos of the bedroom and bath! The sofa is a pullout and sleeps 2, then the table bench area turns into a bed. Then there is a queen in the bedroom too!

We are so lucky to be able to borrow this from my sister in law till we move into a home! It will be for sale after we are done using it.

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Home Away from Home – Camping Life • Dreaming of Homemaking

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