Rosehill cottage Estate
about the
The Wagner’s
If you build it they will come, and we sure hope you will! Once we bought our house we didn’t know what was in store! But, we have a vision and if you follow along you know we are dreamers and have big plans! While we can see what we are building we hope that you trust us, and will join us as we jump in with both feet and just begin!
Rosehill Cottage Estate is so fitting for us – our house is on a little hill filled with hundreds of roses. We chose cottage for our last home, because without it we wouldn’t have ever had the opportunity to buy this house and estate for our house since everyone calls it that. You might also know part of the name for my favorite movie ever – that I have watched endlessly through all my late night working because I know each word. Can you guess it?
Along our journey we will be starting with fun workshops, renting our space and events!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter – we will be sharing all the exciting things along with specials for you that support us from the beginning!
We are so excited to welcome you to our property, and share our dream with you!
the wagner’s