Yellowstone National Park – Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks at Yellowstone National Park! Sharing what we learned before this trip, from the past & tips from our readers!

We made it to West Yellowstone at 6:30am! First thing we pulled up and were starving and what would we know this restaurant Out Post Yellowstone was opening right then! Boy did we get lucky – it was their first day opening for the season – that is one thing we have learned with our trial and error with going to Yellowstone – things are VERY seasonal! I will talk about that more in a bit!

Seriously though, if you need to find a place to eat in Yellowstone – The Out Post! Now that we are done with breakfast let’s go explore!

Ready to head into Yellowstone National Park West Entrance, but we saw the Yellowstone Historic Museum so we had to stop by! Yes there is still snow in May!

It is time!! Yellowstone eek! We are so excited to bring our kids!

Here were the prices of Yellowstone National Park as of May 1, 2021. If you plan to go to other National Parks – make sure to just buy the annual pass.
When you pay for your ticket, they will give you a map and if you have kids cute little ones for them! This comes in handy especially with closures of roadways.

TIPS & Tricks for Yellowstone Below:
One thing to think of when planning your trip to Yellowstone National Park is the season. It is beautiful anytime you go, but just remember a lot of it can be closed due to snow. We came early in the season – and a lot were closed… so be prepared for a LOT of driving!
If you come in the winter, like we may have tried to do pre-kids. Keep in mind the main sites to see are closed to public but, you can do guided tours.

We were so excited for all the animals we might see, and the first thing was Bison.
** Spoiler Alert** that is all we saw on this trip… a LOT of them!

James might have wanted to get close, don’t worry he didn’t – but let that be a warning to you also don’t go near any wildlife as cute as they maybe. Be ready to have them walk in front of you while driving – it is quite the sight!

The VIEWS were incredible! You don’t have to walk very far out of your car to see this, while there are parts that you can hike in Yellowstone most you can do by car and a brief walk. It really just depends on what you are wanting to do.

If you think this is the prettiest thing at Yellowstone National Park, keep reading!

We were getting ready to go to see Old Faithful, we asked a worker which way to go… and he told us the way but said we HAVE to go drive and see The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Honestly we had driven a ton already ( by the time we finished what we could see at the park over 200 miles) and we were a bit hesitant to drive for another 30 miles each way… the guy was right though it was worth every minute! Check out the next photos :

The sad thing is that these don’t even do it justice. Make sure to check out my highlight of Yellowstone HERE.

If you have the time = WORTH it!! Now let’s head on over to Old Faithful.

Old Faithful is so NEAT to see! It does smell really bad.

Old Faithful is so cool to experience, it does erupt up to 20 times per day! Even if you don’t see it erupt it is so neat to see!

Soak up all the time you have driving through Yellowstone National Park. If you go in the more open season it is less driving with the loop! We have gone different times and each is a neat experience! This was so fun to do with our kids and something everyone should get to experience at least once.
Before you head out of town, make sure to walk around the cute shops and restaurants! We made sure to pick up some souvenirs and of course this candy store :

We were so glad we came when most shops were starting to open up! The Outpost Sweet Treats is a must stop – they have ice cream too!

Now it is time to say goodbye to Yellowstone and drive to Mt. Rushmore! 9 hours 48 min.
Our Tips :
- Full Tank of gas before you get in the park – be ready for lots of driving!
- One thing we didn’t bring is binoculars not needed but would be cool!
- If doing photos – bring a tripod!
- There is basically no wifi through Yellowstone make sure to keep your map handy!
- Be aware of the animals – especially the bears!
- Depending on the season that you go prepare for extra time – driving, road, jams and people. * one time we went the President was there and that was insane we might have turned around.
- Start EARLY! You will enjoy it so much more.
- Pack a picnic and drinks – if eating outside of your car just be aware of your surroundings.
- Plan your trip ahead of time, but also be ready to change it due to weather and closures.
- Dress in layers and enjoy!
TIPS, Tricks & Things to do In YELLOWSTONE, WYOMING & MONTANA – Thanks to my Friends on IG! :
- Download the Gypsy App for Yellowstone. It points out things you should see – history & science.
- Trout Lake in June. You can watch the trout spawning.
- Wind River Area Wyoming.
- Sinks Canyon near Lander.
- Yellowstone – Lamar Valley early am for best chance to see Bears & Wolves.
- Lamar Valley at sunrise – best experience of their life.
- Glacier National Park in NW Montana.
- Jasper Park Lodge for lunch.
- Devils Tower Wyoming.
- Flathead Lake in Montana.
- Spring & Summer are best to go – look into white water rafting.
- Jackson Hole.
- Avalanche lake in National is worth the hike and easy for kids.
- Center of the West in Cody, WY.
- Great Mountain Biking in Cody, WY.
- Cody, WY if you like rodeos. During the summer months they do rodeos every night.
- Glacier, Phillipsburg and Virginia City are musts in Montana.
- Boiling River in Yellowstone – they said it is supposed to be swimmable warm spring.
- Thermopolis Hot springs
- Bear Museum West Yellowstone
Best view i have ever seen !