How to Organize Beyblades
I never thought this was something I was going to blog about, but when we had a little problem with beyblades everywhere – I thought maybe someone else would have the same issue! So let me share how to organize beyblades!

We have SOME a LOT of beyblades. We first had them in a tote, but when you have over 100 then imagine every time your child wants one he dumps them all out… there was only so many times I could handle that so there had to be a better solution.

The funny thing, my 5 year old that loves to collect beyblades and likes to add things to my amazon cart added this case you see HERE. It turned out to be the perfect fit, now just to buy some more so we could organize all these.

Now the fun part, putting them all together – I have NO idea how Ollie knows which goes together even when we go to the store he can tell you if he already has one and yes its over 100! Get your kid(s) to join in on this and help organize they will think its fun too!

Now that these are all in these little slots it’s so easy to see!

These storage containers come with these blue sections so you can store even more you can keep them organized!

Now keep going till you get them all put away, once you are done you may look like the photo below! We hope you liked how we organized these!

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