Fourth of July Breakfast
You all know how much we love traditions, and one of our favorites is for the Fourth of July! We start the day off with this breakfast and then have family over! Check out the recipe below!
The kids won’t let us miss our traditional breakfast, even if we have to do it a day late! They look forward to it, even if I wonder if it’s just for me!
I often get asked how we color our milk for each of the holidays and just a little food coloring, let me show you below!
First we start out with our FAVORITE milk from Smith Brothers Farms that we get delivered each week! Then you just put in a drop or two of the food coloring and stir! Now you have your colored milk! Its that easy!
Now for the fresh berries time to cut them up and wash them. I am loving this new strainer I got HERE.
If you are local these berries and even the whip cream we got from Smith Brother Farms isn’t that amazing they not only deliver milk but so much more!
Now for the little set up for their breakfast, normally we do it indoors but they insisted their new playhouse!
Here are the little jars with the pound cake, whip cream, and berries! We normally layer it but had smaller jars this year, you can see all the details HERE.
Here it is right before the celebration!
Ok, now I have to tell the funny story! My kids all don’t love blueberries but love tradition so you can see Ollie picking out his berries and putting it in his empty milk glass! They sure love their Smith Brother Farms Milk that was gone before the photo!
I hope you enjoyed seeing one of our favorite traditions, make sure to pin it for next year!