Small Space Living : How We Organize Our Shared Kids Bedroom – Playroom
Its no surprise that we live in a small house, 1200 sq ft to be exact with 6 people and 2 pups! We have to make every square inch count, and that is what we do! This room first started as our master bedroom, and changed to a kids room then evolved as each kid came and grew. Thanks to Extra Space Storage, I will be sharing how we organize this playroom – bedroom and a tour of the whole space! Make sure to check out all the sources below.
We had am ikea bench here before, and while we loved it for many years it was constant chaos having all the bins right next to each other. Just imagine for a moment… every bin pulled out and dumped out…. see what I mean? Now we have all the same toys, but spaced out in the room. The kids know where everything goes and its not to much all together.
This bench is nice it holds their electronics, and we can even add a basket below for more!
This desk I am just loving, it too has storage and the one thing thats my favorite it comes with a hidden spot with USB + outlets – that is a win for us!
I did Q & A on my stories, and I think I had the most questions on this basketball hoop! It is meant for over the door but I just screwed it into the wall! The found box I found at home goods, its a favorite and I wish I could find another!
This rug has been incredible, it IS WASHABLE and we have had for a few years and still looks like new!
Here is where all 3 boys sleep and occasionally Zoe! Turning the closet and random nook into bunk beds has been so great, they have plenty of room right now…. of course in the future it will change, but don’t worry we have BIG plans! The only thing left for this space is our library ladder and thats to come soon! Honestly in this space the beds aren’t the easiest to make so Beddys for the win, we have used since they opened their business and love!
Is the brick faux or real? It is Milton & King wallpaper, its the second time we used it in this space and its amazing how much it transforms a room!
The fiddle fig in the corner, its faux – doesn’t it look amazing?
This kitchen we have loved, it holds all their playfood. The fridge is something we got recently and holds all their toys… it sold out last year and I tried everything to get it, thankfully its back in stock!
I just cant get enough of this space, I think the boys are really enjoying it to since they clean and organize it daily!
Toy Storage : Baskets are always a great way to put those random odd sized toys and easy to clean up!
Here is what we put inside the drawers of the bench, all their gaming items!
Now the question I get, since we took away their closet what do we do for one? Well here it is the Ikea PAX system! We love it so much we got an even bigger one for Zoes room!
Here is how we organize the inside, this has the clothes for my boys in here. In the bins we have their underwear, socks, and accessories. I like to have everything easy to put in and take out.
I wanted to go over a few more details, like this cozy Arhaus blanket and the pouf that they all fight over – yes I need to order another! The flooring is lumber liquidators luxury vinyl plank, and we cant get enough of it, its been such a transformation and I would never go back to carpet.
I hope you enjoyed this tour, let me know if you have any questions below in the comments. A big thank you to Extra Space Storage, and if you are ever looking for a storage company they are the way to go!
Sources :
I have placed all the links below, you can click on each item.
Basket Ball Hoop
Play Fridge
Fiddle Leaf
Milton & King Brick Wallpaper
Arhaus Pouf
Lumbar Liquidator Flooring
How large is this space?
Does your house have an attic? Or did you “add” it? Love this room