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How to Install Window Boxes + Trim

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Does your house need some character? The best way we have found to add it to our home is by installing window boxes and trim! Ready to see how?

I just love how this space turned out, but let’s see the before!

Ok, here she is!


Yes, This space needed some help. I really don’t understand why all windows don’t get trim off the bat! Now let’s fix this space up and I will show you how easy it can be!


Brad Nails
Brad Nailer
Tape Measure
Paint + Supplies

Let’s get started! I just grabbed some 1X4’s and painted them with outdoor weatherproof paint. There are so many ways to do window trim – and better ones that fit your window exactly. This was a fast and easy fix!

Cut your 1×4’s according to your window sizes.

Then do the other side.

Once you get both sides done, next is the bottom. Doesn’t it look so much better already!

Make sure to paint it before you install it – it makes it a lot easier!
(Of course we were short on time so there you go)


Before we get started, there are many ways to get window boxes. We purchased ours but you can easily DIY too!


SELF WATERING WINDOW BOX ( This came with everything needed)
WOOD ( if space isn’t level)


Now it is time to install the window boxes it came with everything you need HERE.

Our house has the siding that isn’t flat so we added some wood we had to make it fit just right!

Adding the wood will help it be level, you may not have to add any depending on your space.

When you are done adding the brackets they just sit right on and don’t move. These hold a lot of weight which is nice, they are the self watering window boxes.

Now that we have the window boxes and window trim done, lets work on this space!

These are some of my favorite fillers for window boxes, they are actually ground covers but have done well. Just remember to water.

Here it is all complete! Isn’t it amazing how you can transform a space and add character.

Now here is the full view of this space, you can see how we did the crawl space cover, the pergola, deck, and privacy screen below.



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How To Install Window Boxes + Trim • Dreaming of Homemaking

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