Hydrangea Hedge – Process
Hydrangea Hedge of my dreams, but this is a process! Follow along and see where we started, how its going and for what it will look like!

While this may not look like much right here, it is going to be amazing! Let’s look on where we started before we added these gorgeous Seaside Serenade® Bar Harbor Hydrangea from Monrovia, and why we chose them for this hydrangea hedge.

Privacy hedge, most would want but we are so excited for the view without! These arborvitaes have been dying and it’s the time to take them out.

This is another one of my “quick” projects… if you have ever taken out trees or plants of any kind you know the amount of work that goes into it.

Have you ever gone to the nursery and they didn’t have what you wanted? Monrovia now has the option to order online and pick up at your local nursery! I picked up these Seaside Serenade® Bar Harbor Hydrangea from Monrovia at My Garden Nursery, now to get the space ready for my hydrangea hedge.

Four hours of work, with 10 of us working non stop for four hours we got it all taken down. Seriously so grateful for family to come help us, or it would have taken us days.

Now that the hedge is all taken down its time to take out all the roots.

I always can see what the end project can look like, and I think most projects I forget all the work it takes to get there. You just take down the shrubs and put the plants in right? Well now that the roots all come out, its time to clear out all the debris and bring in lots of soil for my hydrangea hedge.

We cleared the area, and brought in fresh new soil mixed with some compost.

Lots of soil was brought in, but the problem with that you will sink right in. So we rented a lawn roller and went over the soil with that and a rake till we leveled it out. Soon we will be planting more seed and making a clean line of grass but for now we have a fresh start.

Look at these beauties! Nice healthy Seaside Serenade® Bar Harbor Hydrangea from Monrovia. Let’s get these planted and make a gorgeous hydrangea hedge.

Image Credit : Monrovia – Doreen Wynja
This is what they will look like when they bloom. This new Seaside Serenade® Bar Harbor Hydrangea, is a compact form of the famed Annabelle hydrangea is perfect for smaller spaces. It has Masses of big, white flower heads put on that will put on a amazing show through the summer. These straight and sturdy stems hold up even in heavy rain. The Seaside Serenade Bar Harbor is great for borders or in containers and has great cut flowers. It does well in partial to full sun and grows to four feet wide and tall.

Why would anyone want to block this view? Well I didn’t order enough, good thing I can online so waiting for my pick up and we will be adding more. Stay tuned to see them and how the Seaside Serenade® Bar Harbor Hydrangea from Monrovia, look this summer!
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