LEGO Storage: Making Our Space And Space and Ikea Lego Storage Hack
We have had legos for years. Our trusty lego table that was an Ikea hack we did many years ago has held up well.. but we needed more room and a bigger storage area for their creations! We went out and got the supplies and we were ready to tackle this project! Follow along as I let you know the supplies we used and how it came together! Make sure to stay around for the end on how we made our first table!
Here are the supplies we used :
Ikea Shelf
Ikea Bracket (painted white)
Long Bottom Shelf
Ryobi Drill
Now lets get started!
First before you get your supplies make sure what will fit in your space. We were able to use the whole 97inch bottom shelf for their room. while in my daughters we had to cut it. You may want three of the smaller shelves so see whats best for your room!
Next find your studs, we use a stud finder and make sure we put the screws into them especially since I know my kids will push on these shelves.
Measure across so you know that it is even. place the level on the brackets so you can make sure level.
4. Place your shelf and screw it in.
5. Next its time to do your smaller brackets! Find out where you want them placed and mark your spots.
6. After you attach both brackets, make sure level before attaching the shelf.
Here is the completed space! Next it is time to organize it all, so look forward to that blogpost NEXT! I have had so many questions on how we made our old lego table…. so here goes!
Supplies :
Ikea Trofast Frame
Ikea Storage Box (6)
Chalk Marker
Lego Baseplate (3)
Utility Knife
1 lego
Lets get Started
* First let me say, I wish I could dig up my photos when we made this… it was close to 8 years ago!
This is probably one of the easiest DIYS to do, the hardest part will be putting together the Trofast! Once you complete putting together the trofast you will then open up your lego baseplates. Set them on top of the trofast and you will see you have a lot left over! You will be using your utility knife to trim…BUT… before you do thats where the lego I put in the list comes in handy! Attach the baseplate as you cut with the lego piece to make sure they go back together. Once you cut it then its time to use your glue and glue into place! And there you go!!
Here it is in all its GLORY! It seriously is amazing, and you will get so much use out of it!
Now have fun organizing and then creating!
To shop everything from this post I made this easy list to shop from, just click the items below.
Thank you for supporting my blog!
Ikea Shelf
Ikea Bracket (painted white)
Long Bottom Shelf
Ryobi Drill
Ikea Trofast Frame
Ikea Storage Box
Chalk Marker
Lego Baseplate
Utility Knife
1 lego
* Some links are affiliate, thank you for supporting my blog.
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My kids, the boys especially, love playing with legos and they end up everywhere! What a clever way to store the lego pieces. And I really appreciate having a spot to hold their creations on top where they can live securely until it’s time to make something new! Then they won’t be knocked over and crash into a million pieces where I am destined to find the ONE piece that didn’t make it off the floor with the bottom of my foot…ouch!
Thank you! I think their favorite part is being able to show off their creations! I think my boys have stepped on to many pieces and are wanting to keep them organized now.