
2019 Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge – Week 5 {Install}

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Its week 5 of the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge, and what a ride this has been! Thank you for following along as we have gone through this process and if you missed out of any of the other posts you can read all about it on WEEK 1 , WEEK 2, WEEK 3, and WEEK 4! Now are you ready to see where we are at on the install and all about how this project has gone? Let me tell you its not what we expected …. so lets get on to the good and the bad!

Lets start out by saying, when we started this project for the Jeffrey Court Challenge I knew the direction we wanted to go but as some projects happen it moves you another way. If you check out our last post on DEMO you could see it definitely didnt go as planned. Our projects are typically limited to Saturdays, so we got a head start on the demo and it took multiple days to go through layers of rock/brick trying to figure out a plan. We planned on using our existing gas fireplace but as it goes… we had to take far more out as we planned and I wanted it to look a different way. So plan B – to demo it all, cover it up and start over!

Here it is, all covered up and ready to start fresh! Now its time to begin follow along to see how we DIY an Electric Fireplace!

First we need to prep for tile installation so we needed some cement backer board.

Then we had to get all the other supplies, don’t worry there will be many more trips!

Here you can see our electric fireplace, now before I get a million comments an questions about why we aren’t using our gas and switching to electric…. here goes! The gas insert we had before did not have a blower so it was only for looks, along with having that not work, part of our fireplace the people who installed it broke. We love gas, and it is still there behind the wall … if one day…. But for now all we could see was $$$ and I wanted it to look a certain way, and not flush to the wall. SO now our simple project has turned into …. something unexpected. Lets see how this goes.

I have said before, that when James and I first met he didnt have a tool and had to use my pink hammer. Well, he has come a long way! I honestly love to watch him think his way through each project and to just go with it.

We don’t have a garage, or workspace so our front porch doubles as that.

I will do an entire post on how we put this all together this electric fireplace with all the dimensions and details, but for now you can see a little of this process!

This has a long way to go, but we wanted to make sure the electric fireplace went into the base James was working on.

And here it is! It fits, can you see it?? Not yet?? Its ok me either…. but when you have a vision it will come to life!

Now that we have it all sturdy and secure, its time to add the exterior!

And here we go!

After lots of work, its time to put this all together!

Now its getting there! Don’t worry, this isn’t complete… there is lots of work left to do and we will get there even if longer than planned!

Now, what are we looking at? Its time to prep for the Tile! First we had to cut our floors so it was an even base…. now that was nerve wrecking!

And, maybe we switched up our plan…. here is a sneak peek of the Marrakech and weather grey tile at what we are thinking!

First its time to put the cement backer board down, then its time for gorgeous TILE from Jeffrey Court !!

Ok, lets be honest… I wish I had more to share with you. We are behind and honestly thats a first for us! We did an entire bathroom floor, shiplap walls, toilet, and vanity in one weekend… so for this to take us going on three weekends already and not even close to done is certainly frustrating. We will see how far we get this next weekend and if we can finish in time! Wish us lots of luck, surely we can use it! So there you have it the bad – problems with the project, budget, being behind… Then the good – which will be at the end an amazing fireplace with gorgeous tile!

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