
DIY Raised Garden

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Today I am sharing how we did our raised garden. It was super easy and one of the best things we have done! I wanted my kids to eat more vegetables, and what better way than to grow their own food? Since doing this garden, my daughter who is the pickiest eater and wont even try things … her favorite food is peppers and it is all because we grew them in our garden! ( If you want to see how our garden looks today check out this post)

Now let me show you how we set up our stock tank that we found at a local feed and supply store.

First we drilled holes, we live in the Seattle area and we get tons of rain! We use our garden year round, and wanted it to be able to drain.

Now this stock tank is 169 gallons, that would be a lot of dirt… we used all the rocks we could find around the yard to help with drainage.

You can see we added a few bricks too!

Next we added dirt!

Then we added some soil!

We headed to the store and found some plants to add to the garden, then Oliver was excited and watered them!

It was time to put the plants in the garden, it was nice having these plants so mature it was instant gratification for the kids! We did plant lettuce seeds… so that took a bit longer to watch.

These peppers and tomatoes helped the kids want to take care of the garden, they made sure to water every day so they could watch them grow!

I am excited to learn more about gardening, and to teach the kids along the way! I am in no means an expert but this is what has worked for us!

The stock tank you can find at a local feed and supply store or I found this one online.

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DIY Raised Garden | Dreaming of Homemaking

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