Tips and Tricks for Wrapping Christmas Presents

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  *THIS IS A SPONSORED POST WITH THE CONTAINER STORE, ALL THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. THANK YOU THE CONTAINER STORE FOR SPONSORING THIS.  It’s time to grab a hot cup of cocoa, get in some cozy clothes and turn on your favorite Christmas music or movie. Now let’s get ready to wrap! Today I am going to share with you my favorite holiday wrapping essentials from The Container Store along with some tips and tricks I have for wrapping, and hiding my presents!

I am going to turn on my favorite Christmas Movie, The Holiday and since its going to be a long night we will have Home Alone ready too. Since you may not have your supplies yet, just follow along and make your list.

So as you follow along, just remember I may not be the world’s best wrapper, but I love to wrap and make pretty packages. These are some of my favorite finds that I wanted to share to give you some inspiration.

I love any kind of neutrals and the spruce and sage trend won me over. The Container Store thoughtfully put together each theme so you can make your gifts look cohesive. I visited the store and each little section was so unique and there was a fit for everyone. I know my daughter would love the unicorn theme, and my boys would go crazy over the fun animal bags and paper. Now let’s see what I chose!

Ribbons and wrapping paper galore! I loved this ribbon from the gold pack, it is so gorgeous and bends just perfectly. This gold fleck wrapping paper is something I remember my great grandmother gently packaging up. It isn’t as thick as your normal paper, but it is the softest, most beautiful and delicate paper you will ever see.

While I love to wrap, I grabbed some gift bags from their value pack assortment to help with those gifts that are hard to cover.

Here is a little peek of all the items I ordered, I will have a detailed list below for you to click through.

It is time to start wrapping and my kids will love this Wireless Handheld Karaoke from The Container Store. Did you know they have the best gifts for those hard to shop for people? If you follow along on my stories on instagram you will see that we went to The Container Store and wanted to buy so many things we never knew we needed and yes, we now know where we are shopping for Christmas! I will be doing a gift guide for my favorite finds so check back soon for that!

Back to wrapping, now I need to tell you about my favorite new find: the WRAPMASTER. It is amazing, and everyone needs one! You seriously just set it on your wrapping paper and pull it to get the perfect cut lines without scissors and making a mess. Watch this video from The Container Store which explains it better than me. Isn’t it amazing, now where has this been all my life?

After my wrapping is done, I like to add ribbons and labels. It’s also fun to add an ornament or some fresh greenery to your packages for a finishing touch.

That little greenery added just enough color and I love adding an ornament like this owl one so it can be a keepsake. These labels are so simple yet beautiful, and such a great price.

Now to get to the tips and tricks!

December is the craziest month for me , we have 3 of our 4 kids’ birthdays just before Christmas, so shopping for presents and wrapping them can be crazy and on top of that, hiding them!

Here are some things that work for me:

  1. Shop ahead
  2. Don’t wait till the last minute to wrap
  3. Choose a ribbon or paper for each kid so it’s easy to identify whose gift is whose
  4. Gift bags are your friend
  5. Make sure you have enough tape, boxes, wrapping paper, tissue paper ect. before you start wrapping

When talking about presents I know I will get this question… the dreaded Santa question. This is what every parent wants to know. Here is what we do for our family, and it’s quite the opposite of what I did growing up.

We do one present from Santa for each kid. It isn’t the biggest and the best, it’s just something they want. We don’t want our kids telling other kids “Santa got this for me” and it’s some huge thing making others feel bad. Along with that, we also don’t want to make our kids feel less than if Santa can’t bring a big present every year. This is just what we feel is best for our family, and each can do what’s best for theirs.



Now are you ready for what’s next? How I organize it all!

As you know, my house is a little over 1200 sq ft, so every inch needs to be maximized. My wrapping station is no different. The Container Store has this amazing Elfa Gift Wrap Cart and they’ve thought of it all! I love that it has a spot for everything and it’s easy to roll around. You can see in each photo that the drawers hold a lot, there is a lot of room for wrapping paper and just enough for ribbon!

Now, as I am all cozy Rosie wanted to say hi! Are you ready for the reveal? I wish I could say final, but I am not quite done shopping yet. Here it is. What do you think?


I hope you enjoyed this post, it was so fun to prepare and a special thanks to The Container Store. Let me know what you think by commenting below, and thank you for visiting I hope you were inspired.


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  1. What a totally inspiring post! Thank you so much for sharing these tips! I’m for sure going to get this beautiful wrapping paper too!

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